Thursday, October 15, 2009

Meanwhile, back in the land of the living

Hello kiddies,

Sorry I have been MIA for a number of days. I was feeling rather swine-ish.

In the midst of my cough syrup coma, however, I did dream up a few stylish sick bed items I would like to see come about in 20Ten.

1. Skull and crossbones Snuggie.
For when you don't have the strength (or the voice) to tell the man/woman in your life you are too sick for cuddling. Just don your "poison" Snuggie and he/she will get the message to stay away. No questions asked.

2. Jewel bedazalled mask
I see women knitting from time to time while waiting in a doctor's office lobby. In 20Ten, I would like to see those gals bedazzling swine flu masks to give out to those too sick to exchange oxygen with other sick people.(If you've been to a doc's office lately, you know what I'm talking about. Everyone is asked to mask it up these days. Let's give folks their own unique swine style!)

3. DayQuil flasks
My desk at work looks like I knocked off a nurse's station at St. E's. To conceal what ails me, I would like to just combine all my drugs in one stylish flask. That way, I seem cool and sophisticated while chugging combinations of DayQuil, cough medicine and Tylenol. As is, I look like a pathetic user who might be developing a bit of a habit.

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