Thursday, January 14, 2010

Healing powers found in Cleopatra's makeup

It turns out having what my sister likes to call 'whore eyes' has its benefits. (For those who aren't familiar with the term, 'whore eyes' is the signature mark found on some women the morning after a long night out at the club. The sightings of smudged mascara and eye shadow are most common on a walk of shame home.)

A French study has found Cleopatra's eye makeup had medicinal benefits. The Egyptian makeup, which took up to a month to make, contained lead salts which produced nitrous oxide. The lead salts, something we consider dangerous now, actually boosted immune systems and fought off bacteria that could cause eye infections, according to the study.

So, will we be caking on lead makeup anytime soon? It's doubtful. But, maybe the trend will at least make a come back. (Hopefully with a better name than whore eyes)

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