Monday, April 20, 2009

A little in-house research

I like to purge my closet a couple times a year of things I no longer wear.

While it's easy to toss pants, T-shirts and shrunken sweaters, I have found it increasingly difficult to get rid of skirts and summer dresses.

This week, I decided to do a little in-house research on dresses that have set idle in my closet during the winter months - you know, just to see if they are still stylin' in 09'.

Surprisingly, I got at least one daily compliment on my outfits. I found that even if the skirt or dress isn't the latest trend, if you pair it with smoking hot shoes or a cool cardigan, the skirt/dresses shelf life is renewed.

So, try it yourself this week. It's a great money saver and a way to breath new life into your old wardrobe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would like to know what is best for the some heels or sandles for the summer as you said a smoking pair of shoes.